Supervisors of staff and students who submit an incident or hazard report in UQSafe are responsible for reviewing the details of the report and creating an action plan to resolve the hazards.

If you beleive you have been incorrectly assigned as the person responsible for creating the action plan, you are able to transfer this responsibility to another person.

Who does this process apply to?

Person affected – the person affected (or potentially affected) by the incident or hazard. 

Person responsible – the assigned person responsible for managing an incident/hazard report. When an incident or hazard is reported in UQSafe, the person responsible for creating the action plan defaults to be the affected persons supervisor. 

Safety coordinators - at UQ this includes HSW Managers and Work Health and Safety Coordinators (WHSCs) who operate at the Organisational Unit level. When verifying the details of an incident or hazard report, WHSCs are required to confirm that the affected person’s supervisor (person responsible) has been correctly assigned.

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When does the person responsible need to be transferred?

If you have been incorrectly assigned as the person responsible to manage an incident or hazard report, you are able to transfer the responsibility for creating the action plan to another person.

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Step 1: Select the incident/hazard report to be transferred

  • Navigate to the 'Assigned Incidents/Hazards' tab in the Incident/Hazard Register
  • Select the ‘Transfer’ button
  • The transfer popup window will be displayed
Transferring Action Plan
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Step 2: Transfer the incident/hazard report to new person responsible

  • Select the 'search' icon within the popup transfer box
  • Find and select the new Person Responsible
  • Enter the reason for transferring
  • Select the 'Transfer' button

The new Person Responsible will be sent a system generated notification. The email will advise that they have been nominated as the person responsible for managing the incident/hazard and creating the action plan. The notification includes the details of the person who transferred the report, and the transfer notes. 

 Transfer incident/hazard
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