If you are the Chair of a committee or member of an executive committee you might be assigned a decision. When an application is assigned to you, you will receive a system generated email.  

1. The hyperlink in the email takes you to your assigned application in the MyResearch system. 

NOTE: You should already be logged in to the system for the link to work. If you are not logged in, the link will take you to the login page.

Alternatively, click on the decision icon   either in your activities tile or in the taskbar in MyResearch homepage. This will take you to the decision page as shown in the image below.

2. Click on the application title . This will take you to the decision details page as shown in the image below.

3. Click on a document to view it in-browser, or choose to download them if you prefer.

NOTE: If you are an LNR Chair and the decision has been assigned to you due to a split decision between the reviewers, the reviewers' comments will be included in the documents.

4. Select your decision from the drop-down menu and type your comments in the space provided. Depending on the reason the application has been assigned to you the drop-down menu options may include:

  • Accept
  • Approve
  • Additional information required
  • Refer to committee

5. When you ready to submit click on  save.

Frequenty asked questions

As Chair of an ethics committee, what tasks do I perform in MyResearch?
You have three tasks: respond to meeting invitation, accept or decline; download meeting documents; and, access historical information for applications presented.
How do I know I have a task to do? 
You will receive an email notification advising you that you have a meeting to respond to. Links will be provided in the email. More information is available at ethics committee chair
I'm a HREC or AEC Chair, do I need to record meeting decisions?
No. If you are a HREC or AEC chair, you do not need to record meeting decisions. The ethics committee coordinator or secretary from Research Ethics and Integrity will record the decision from the meeting into MyResearch, the same way in which the process occurs now.