The process for ethics approval is shown in the diagram below. After the application has successfully passed the admin review, it will be assigned to a committee for ethics review at the next available meeting for that committee. You will receive an email notification informing you of your upcoming meeting, or you can view them by clicking on the meetings tab.
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1. You access and review the applications assigned to the meeting by clicking on the meeting icon either in your activities tile or the taskbar in your MyResearch dashboard. This will take you to the meetings page as shown in the image below.
2. Click on the meeting title to view meeting details.
3. On the meeting page, you need to update your attendance status on the left hand side.
4. Meeting documents are found at the bottom of the meeting page. You can either view these documents in-browser by clicking on the hyperlink, or download them on to your computer.
5. Click on the 'Meeting Items' tab to view the list of meeting items, which will be split into type.
6. Once on the 'Meeting Items' page, you can generate and download a compiled zip folder of item specific documents by checking the boxes against each item and pressing download. This will take a few minutes to generate and will download in .zip format.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who can see my information?
Personal information security is maintained in MyResearch. User permissions are strictly controlled. Ethics committee coordinators and fellow committee members will see your name as a member of the committee.
How can I see what has changed when I receive an updated application?
For applications returning to the committee, for an amendment or to provide additional information requested, the committee will see all changes as tracked changes. It will be very clear what has been updated in the submission.
How do I access ethics applications?
For HREC or AEC committees, ethics applications for review will be accessible via the email notification sent to you advising of an ethics committee meeting. For LNR committees, the application for review will be linked directly in the email notification.
How do I access the agenda pack for review? How do I access documents linked to an ethics application?
An email notification will advise when a meeting is scheduled. From the link within the email you can access documents assigned to the meeting. More information is available at ethics committees.
For HREC and AEC, do I need to compile my own meeting pack?
No. The meeting documents you need to access will be curated for download directly from MyResearch.
Will the system remember previously declared conflicts of interest?
No. Each application will need to be reviewed on its merits and conflicts of interest declared for that specific submission.