Researchers conducting human research can apply for an exemption from ethics review if their research a) has negligible risk research, and b) involves the use of existing collections of data or records that contain only non-identifiable data about human beings.

The diagram below shows the process steps for obtaining exemption approval.

my research human ethics exemption workflow
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Steps for submitting exemption application are as shown below:

1. Log in to the MyResearch website.

2. From the rounds tile click on the relevant apply now button. 

apply human research exemption from review
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3. Enter an application title and any comments you want to include and click done

application name
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4. This will take you to the first page of the application. Scroll down to the end of the page and click on acknowledge and continue. Proceed to answer all the questions. Follow the system prompts to go to the next page and (where needed) upload supporting documents. 

exemption application acknowledgement
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5. When you have completed the form click on accept and submit. 


  • The option to submit the application form is only available to the user who is identified on the form as the Chief Investigator.
  • The application owner (i.e. the person who created the application) has edit access. The system gives only view access to other team members listed in the application. If the owner wishes to give edit access to team members, they need to share the application with edit access.
  • The system allows you to easily share your application. This feature can be used to invite anyone to review your application. You can choose to give them view or edit access. 
application certification
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6. The system prompts you to download your application and attachements for your reference.

application form attachments
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