6. Policies and Guidelines
This section contains information on University Policy, School and Course Guidelines and the availability of Feedback.
Refer to ITaLI's Course Development resources for non-technical guidance.
6.1 Assessment Related Policies & Guidelines - Technical Tips
University Policies & Guidelines
Suggested Content
This section refers students to University Policies and guidelines such as Academic Integrity and Plagiarism and Feedback on Assessment.
The content of this section is set by the University on the approval of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic).
You cannot edit this section.
Feedback in this Course
Suggested Content
This section allows course designers to indicate how feedback can be given by the students or will be given to the student in the specific context of this course.
Edit/Add Feedback in this Course
1. Click the Edit button next to the heading "Feedback in this Course".
2. Add or edit the information for this section using the online editor field. Please refer to ECPS Online Editor for general formatting help.
3. Click Save.
[Coordinating Unit] Assessment Guidelines
Suggested Content
This section of the course profile can be used by the Organisational Unit coordinating the course to refer students to specific School assessment guidelines.
The content of this section is set by the Unit Administrator. If this section is not used by the Unit it will not appear in the course profile.
Course Designers cannot edit this section.
6.2 Other Policies and Guidelines - Technical Help
University Policies & Guidelines
Suggested Content
This section refers students to University Policies and Guidelines such as Placement Courses, Students with a Disability, Working with Children and Occupational Health and Safety.
The content of this section is set by the University on the approval of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic).
You cannot edit this section.
Other [Coordinating Unit] Guidelines
Suggested Content
This section of the course profile can be used by the Organisational Unit coordinating the course to refer students to other specific School guidelines.
The content of this section is set be the Unit Administrator. If this section is not used by the Unit it will not appear in the course profile.
Course Designers cannot edit this section.
Other Course Guidelines
Suggested Content
This section allows course designers to give students information any particular guidelines relevant to this course. This may include additional Occupational health and Safety Information.
Edit/Add Other Course Guidelines
1. Click the Edit button next to the heading "Other Course Guidelines".
2. Add or edit the information for this section using the online editor field. Please refer to ECPS Online Editor for general formatting help.
3. Click Save.